Moon River
Designed, Pieced & Quilted by Lesley Morris
Gifted 40 x 40
Moon River features only One Block that can be turned either way to connect and flow into the identical Block next to it.
Moon River is “Faced” rather than “Bound” like a bed quilt would be with a binding strip. Art Quilts are worthy of Facing, as the edge of the quilt is turned under to create a flat, finished look.
Sashiko & Free Motion Quilting
Both Sashiko & Free Motion (or freehand) quilting were used in this Art piece. I had many thread color changes, making the thread work standout, as the Piece in general is neutral tones. One of my favorite stitches to quilt with is the classic “Stippling Meander”. I use it frequently without apology!
Lots of Metallic Thread!
Photos do not give justice to handmade works. Much of the thread used here is Metallic, I’ll find any excuse to use it, I love it! Many Quilters find it Metallics difficult to work with. I use Superior Thread brand when is comes to Metallic thread.